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פרשת חיי שרה

Parshas Chayei Sarah

כ״ה חשון

Friday (Feb 28)

Candles: 5:30pm
Mincha: 5:35pm
(Followed by Kabbolas Shabbos and Maariv)

Saturday (Oct 12)

Siduro Shel Shabbos: 8:30am
Korbonos: 9:00am
Shacharis: 9:15am
Sof Z'man Shema: 8:37am (מ"א)
9:14am (גר"א ובה"ת)
Sof Z'man Tefilah: 10:11am (גר"א ובה"ת)
(Kiddush following Davening)
Mincha: 5:20pm
(Followed by Shalosh Seudos)
Maariv: 6:35pm
Shabbos Ends: 6:27pm (6:35pm - סטולין, 7:20pm ר"ת)
Please Call Rabbi Sochet to Sponsor Kiddush or Shalosh Seudos
Please Join Us for a Joyous Melaveh Malka at 9:00pm

Week of Mar 1

Sunday Shacharis 9:15 (Pico Shul)

Monday-Friday (Pico Shul)

Shacharis: 10:00am

Sunday-Thursday (Pico Shul)
Mincha: 9:00pm
Followed By Maariv
Daf Yomi: 9:00pm (Magen Avot)
Maariv: 10:00
(Magen Avot)

Thursday Night

Or Hachaim HaKodesh Shiur
8:30 by Rav Sochet (Magen Avot)

Please Join Us Everyday for Shacharis and Mincha!

Tell Your Friends. We would love to have them join us!

Many Thanks to Reb Yonah Bookstein and The Pico Shul for Hosting our weekday services during construction!

Please Support Our Shul

We depend on donations, membership fees, sponsorships of Kiddush, Shalosh Seudos and other events to keep the shul operating.

Every contribution helps and every person matters at Kahal Chasidim!

You can Donate Via PayPal at

Please contact Rabbi Sochet any time via email at or by phone at 845-659-4041.